An interview with a former HUD Regional Administrator who grew up at NYCHA's Marcus Garvey Houses.
Regarding the recent Presidential Executive Orders and related guidance that may have implications for the granting and use of federal funding.
Tips on how to prepare for winter storms and keep you and your family safe.

It’s National Poison Prevention Week
Did you know that most poisonings happen in people’s homes and are preventable? In recognition of National Poison Prevention Week,

Free Tax Prep for Eligible New Yorkers
Free REES Tax Workshops for NYCHA Residents Tax season is here. NYCHA public housing and Section 8 residents may be

Attend a Jobs NYC Hiring Hall!
Jobs NYC is an innovative, new employment program from the City — attend the next Jobs NYC hiring in Staten Island:

Women’s History Month: An Interview with NYCHA’s CEO and COO
Every March, we honor the achievements of women throughout history and recognize the ongoing contributions they make today, inspiring future

SYEP Applications Open for NYers 14-24 – Apply Now!
Deadline extended to March 14, 2025! Attention NYCHA residents between the ages of 14 and 24: now’s your chance to

Carbon Monoxide Safety
Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas which can be deadly. For that reason, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety