Coastal Storm Season Is Coming!

Peak coastal storm season in NYC is from August through October every year. Make a plan to keep yourself and your family safe! 

When would I evacuate? 

  • If necessary, the City would issue an Evacuation Recommendation or Evacuation Order for your hurricane zone. 
  • If this order is issued, evacuate as soon as possible (before elevators and public transportation are shut down). 

Why should I evacuate? 

  • If you don’t evacuate, you are putting your life and your family in danger.
  • Emergency teams may be delayed in reaching you if you need help.
  • Services to your building may be impacted, including water, power, phone service, internet service, and elevators.
  • Some NYCHA buildings may be equipped with flood-mitigation protections, but these are not life saving and are only designed to protect the building’s infrastructure from flooding so you can return home faster. To keep your family safe from the storm, you will still need to evacuate. 

How can I find out where to go and what to do if I need assistance evacuating? 

  • To determine if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone, get directions to your nearest evacuation center, or request assistance with evacuating, visit or call 311.
  • Stay with family or friends outside the evacuation zones if possible, or go to an evacuation center. 

Prepare a Go Bag for each family member and pet before emergencies happen! 

  • Preparing Go Bags ahead of time will ensure that you can evacuate quickly and safely before a storm’s arrival. 
  • Everyone in your household (including pets) should have a Go Bag. Your Go Bag should be sturdy and easy to carry, like a backpack or a small suitcase on wheels. It should contain important things you’ll need, such as the items listed here

Are evacuation centers accessible? 

  • All evacuation centers include accessible facilities and accommodations.
  • Once you arrive at an evacuation center, you may be sent to an accessible shelter or special medical needs shelter for your required accommodations. 

Can I take my service animal or pet to the City’s evacuation centers? 

  • Yes. Make sure your pet has proper identification and a pet Go Bag that includes a travel carrier/crate, leash, copies of vaccinations/health records, food, and any necessary medication. 
  • Service animals are always allowed on MTA subways, buses, and trains. When an evacuation order is issued, pets too large for carriers are allowed provided they are muzzled and controlled on a sturdy leash no longer than four feet. 

Do I still need to prepare if I live outside of a hurricane evacuation zone?  

  • Yes. People outside of hurricane evacuation zones may still experience disruptions in essential services like electricity or heat.

You should prepare an emergency supply kit in case you have to shelter in place.  

  • After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water, and other supplies to last for up to seven days.
  • If possible, keep these materials in an easily accessible, separate container or special cupboard. Indicate to your family that these supplies are for emergencies only and periodically check the expiration dates of food. 

Stay informed!