Make This Your Child’s Best School Year Yet

Parents, are you ready? The first day of school (September 8) for New York public school students is less than a month away! Check out the City’s Department of Education (DOE) website for tons of useful info about programs that can make this your child’s best school year yet. Here are two great programs:

District 75

If you have a child who is on the autism spectrum, has serious cognitive delays, is severely emotionally challenged, or multiply disabled, you need to know about the DOE’s District 75. It provides educational, vocational, and behavior support programs for children with special needs in more than 300 sites throughout the five boroughs and in Syosset, New York. Find out more information here:

Families Fostering Success (FFS)

FFS is a partnership between the DOE and Learning Leaders, a non-profit organization that helps recruit, train, and place parent and community volunteers in NYC schools. FFS trains family volunteers to take on leadership roles in their children’s schools. Some schools in the program even receive workshops for parents in their native languages to help build a volunteer network at the school. Having a strong network of volunteers helps bring more resources to the schools, and having parents invested in their children’s schools may also help boost student academic success. FFS is currently partnering with 69 schools in 7 districts: District 75, District 4, District 9, District 16, District 29, District 30, and District 31. Find out more information here:

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