Emergency Rental Assistance from New York State for Eligible NYers

New York State has launched the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to provide New Yorkers who are behind in rent and have suffered financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic with rental assistance.  

Eligible New Yorkers can apply to receive payments for up to 12 months of unpaid rent and electric or gas utilities accrued on or after March 13, 2020. The State of New York will make the final determination as to whether residents are eligible for ERAP once an application has been submitted. Note that, under State law, “federal or state funded subsidized public housing authorities or other federal or state funded subsidized housing that limits the household’s share of the rent to a set percentage of income” will only “be eligible to the extent that funds are remaining after serving all other eligible populations.” However, because funds are limited, all eligible NYCHA households should apply as soon as possible even if they are not in the prioritized groups

NYCHA is currently reaching out to residents with rent balances to ensure that they are aware of the program and to encourage them to apply using New York State’s ERAP website: otda.ny.gov/ERAP.  

New Yorkers are eligible to apply for ERAP if they: 

  • Fell behind in rent since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020; and 
  • Received unemployment benefits or lost income and/or have an increase in expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and  
  • Have a monthly gross (before tax) household income at or below 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI). (See the gross annual income limits chart here.) 

The State began accepting applications on June 1, and in the first month of the program is prioritizing households with incomes at or below 50 percent AMI and at least one household member within the following categories: 

  • Unemployed for at least 90 days 
  • Veteran 
  • Experiencing domestic violence or is a survivor of human trafficking 
  • Has an eviction case pending in court 
  • Lives in a community that was disproportionately impacted by COVID-19
  • Lives in a building with 20 or fewer units 
  • Resides in a mobile home 

After the first 30 days, applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply, visit otda.ny.gov/ERAP or call 844-NY1-RENT (844-691-7368). There are also community-based organizations in each of the five boroughs that can help New Yorkers apply for ERAP – visit New York Emergency Rental Assistance Program for the list of organizations.