City to Invest $355 Million to Replace Aging Facades

Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYCHA Chair Shola Olatoye recently announced $355 million in City funds to replace 150 aging building facades on NYCHA buildings over the next three years, which is critical to maintaining NYCHA’s buildings and improving residents’ quality of life.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYCHA Chair Shola Olatoye recently announced $355 million in City funds to replace 150 aging building facades on NYCHA buildings over the next three years, which is critical to maintaining NYCHA’s buildings and improving residents’ quality of life.

Facades are an important part of the Authority’s infrastructure because they ensure that residents can stay in their homes without devastating leaks. Left unattended, old facades can result in mold, long-term water damage, and other impacts on NYCHA’s buildings.

“In the face of federal disinvestment and devastating proposed budget cuts, Mayor de Blasio’s investment preserves our buildings and moves us closer toward our NextGen mission of creating safe, clean, and connected communities,” said NYCHA Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye.

Under NextGeneration NYCHA, the Authority has made significant progress in becoming a better landlord. Although progress is being made, the Authority is facing more than $17 billion in unmet capital needs and has an increasing list of necessary infrastructure repairs. Investments from the City are urgently needed to help combat these problems as the federal government reduces its commitment to public housing in New York City.