Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

Brooklyn-based arts organization Groundswell works with young people throughout the city to create public works of art that make a statement on issues of importance to the artists. This summer, young residents from Castle Hill, Polo Grounds Towers, and Tompkins Houses created vivid murals at their developments as part of Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute.

New murals depict what’s in the hearts and minds of young people.

Brooklyn-based arts organization Groundswell works with young people throughout the city to create public works of art that make a statement on issues of importance to the artists. This summer, young residents from Castle Hill, Polo Grounds Towers, and Tompkins Houses created vivid murals at their developments as part of Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute. “The Summer Leadership Institute provides young people with a voice by allowing them to transform blank walls located in public spaces into sites of community dialogue…solutions for social justice issues that are important to them,” says Groundswell Executive Director Robyne Walker Murphy. Thought-provoking, vivid, and beautiful, these murals make clear what’s on their minds and in their hearts, and viewers can’t help but listen.