Comp Mod Resident Engagement Is Robust
NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) team is ensuring that residents can participate in the planning of renovations happening in their apartments and at their developments through a number of methods, including virtual and in-person resident workshops, voting on designs, resident ambassadorships, and engagement offices, in support of an inclusive and community-focused modernization process.
Engagement Offices
Earlier this year, the Comp Mod program opened two on-site resident engagement offices at Wyckoff Gardens and Gowanus Houses so residents can learn more about the project at their development and share feedback in the comfort of their own neighborhood. Last year, engagement offices opened at Todt Hill in Staten Island and St. Nicholas Houses in Manhattan.
“The opening of the two engagement offices signifies our commitment to sustained dialogue and communication with residents, reinforcing our dedication to incorporating their input at every stage,” said Christopher D’Alimonte, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Modernization. “This ongoing interaction is important, extending beyond the initial planning phase to ensure the project continually reflects and responds to resident needs.”

The Wyckoff Gardens office, which opened on February 28 inside the Wyckoff Gardens Computer Lab, is available to residents on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Gowanus Houses engagement office opened on March 6 in the property management office at 211 Hoyt Street; it’s open to residents on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Both offices can be reached via Comp Mod’s main phone number: 212-306-6768.
“Wyckoff Gardens is a close-knit community,” said Valerie Bell, President of the Wyckoff Gardens Resident Association. “The on-site engagement office is a significant step forward. It caters to residents who are either just becoming aware of the Comprehensive Modernization renovations or have never attended a meeting. It bridges the gap within our community, ensuring consistent communication and a deeper understanding of the ongoing changes, directly from the Comp Mod team.”

Resident Ambassador Program
Additionally, six Wyckoff Gardens and Gowanus residents will be recruited to help keep their fellow residents informed about Comp Mod renovations at their developments through a new Resident Ambassador program. Residents will be trained to work alongside Comp Mod staff to help disseminate information to their neighbors about the upcoming work. Resident Ambassadors, who must live at the development and be 18 or older, will receive a stipend for their work. Three residents will be selected from Gowanus Houses and Wyckoff Gardens and are expected to begin in mid-July.

Resident Workshops and Design Voting
At Todt Hill Houses and St. Nicholas Houses, Comp Mod’s design-build teams have begun robust resident engagement through in-person meetings to collect feedback and votes from residents about their apartment upgrades.
In March, Comp Mod staff and the CMG design team held three interactive design workshops at Todt Hill. At the workshops, residents had the opportunity to help decide the future look of their homes by viewing a variety of design options (including paint colors and cabinet type) and sample materials so they could share their preferences and feedback with the design-build team. After the workshops, the team designed three apartments so residents could choose their favorite.
“This is the most wonderful thing happening for the NYCHA residents at Todt Hill; it’s a new life and a brand-new start, and I’m overwhelmed with the kindness and consideration of all those involved,” Todt Hill resident Jackie Resch-Copp, who has lived at the development for 13 years, said.

In May, over 300 St. Nicholas residents attended the first engagement meeting with the selected design-build team, Saint Nicholas Revitalization Partners (SNRP). During the meeting, residents reviewed the renovations and modernizations happening at the development and the design options for their kitchens, bathrooms, and flooring. Residents voted on their favorite design through the end of June.