Complete the 2020 Census!
Get Counted NYCHA Residents
There’s still time to complete the 2020 Census! The more NYCHA residents who complete the census, the more money your neighborhood gets.
Completing the census is critical for the future of New York City. The census determines how important resources and political power are distributed, including funding for affordable housing, hospitals, public education, senior centers, roads, and more.
The census is easy, safe, confidential, and takes about 10 minutes to complete. There are no citizenship questions.
Complete your 2020 Census form here:
See what NYCHA residents and employees have to say about why they completed the 2020 Census below.
Sadiqua Minor, Census Outreach Team Member, Green City Force
Holmes Towers resident

I completed my 2020 Census on March 12. To me, the importance of the census is a matter of fair representation for the states. The census was put in place for the United States to receive its rightful federal funding for services such as health insurance, public schools, Section 8 housing vouchers, supplemental nutrition assistance, highway planning, and construction, among others. These are all items extremely important to both me and many others. Ten minutes for 10 questions. Get involved, fill out your census!
Bettie Wyman, Whitman Houses Tenant Association Vice President
Whitman Houses
I completed my census in April when I got my application. I read it and I know it’s important. I live in Whitman Houses and there’s a lot of things that we need here, for seniors, tenants, and kids. I want more income to come to our district. There’s a lot of things that need to be done around here and probably other NYCHA projects, too. Since the federal government took away money from NYCHA, everyone needs to fill out the census to make sure we get funding. There’s not that many questions on there.
I sent a Facebook message telling the people of Whitman Houses and my community to please try to get their census mailed out, because we want good things for our district and our community. Some of the people in my community are seniors and can’t read the census because they’ve lost their eyesight, but if you can’t read it or you need help, you can reach out to the Tenant Association to help you. We can put on a mask and gloves and stand outside and read it and tell them where to check off. They can put it on the floor and we can drop it in the mail. They can fill it out on the internet and if they don’t understand some of the questions, we can help, we can read it over the phone. But we all need to come together and fill our census out.
Darschand Raiford, NYCHA Caretaker H
Redfern Houses resident

I completed the census on April 2. The reason it was important for me to complete the census is because I believe everyone should be counted as a way of getting the benefits that the state really needs. My mother always taught me that the census is very important and it is our civic duty next to voting to complete the census form.
Dana Hylton, NYCHA Exterminator
Surfside Gardens resident

I completed the 2020 census sometime in the middle of April. The census is important to me because when we do our census it allows us to receive the correct amount of funding for our community. I have been a resident of the New York City Housing Authority since 1984 and I am currently residing in Surfside Gardens. Be counted, not counted out; your community is counting on you!
Denise Guess, NYCHA Senior Administrator, Office of Mold Assessment & Remediation

I completed the census in April 2020. It was important for me to complete the census because my community has been receiving less funds to support our children, youth, and seniors. We have limited resources and, because of the underfunding, it is hurting the black and brown communities.
Shelisa Reid, NYCHA Property Manager, Wyckoff Gardens

I completed the census in March because I wanted to make sure that myself and my family were accounted for. I want to make sure we are included in the benefits and programs and for our area to receive the correct funding.
Tyrone Grant, Property Maintenance Superintendent, Marcy Houses
I recently completed the census because it was extremely important for me because my community’s needs are important to me. I care about my elders and children in my community. Getting the proper funding for our health care and education systems, including day care centers and senior centers to assist with meals or the less fortunate, will benefit both the elders and children in my neighborhood.

Willie Gray, Caretaker J, Department of Prevention & Intervention Strategies
I completed my census in June. I always do my census because it’s very important, we need to know how many people we have so we can get programs. Usually someone comes to my door but I did it online, filled out the questions, and submitted it.