Cut the Carbon

NYCHA doesn’t shy away from challenges—and the NYC Carbon Challenge is no exception.

NYCHA’s energy reduction efforts will make NYC cleaner, greener & create jobs

NYCHA doesn’t shy away from challenges—and the NYC Carbon Challenge is no exception. The Authority announced in February that it pledges to reduce its buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent over the next 10 years as part of the City’s Carbon Challenge. This is about the same as taking 70,000 cars off the road for a year, improving air quality for all New Yorkers. NYCHA is the largest organization to participate in the Challenge, joining 20 of the City’s top residential property managers, owners, and developers. 

“As the nation’s largest housing authority and residential landlord, we can have a major impact on curbing the effects of climate change, which affects us all,” remarked Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye. “We are doing our part to not only meet the City’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals but to also protect both health and quality of life for this and the next generation of New Yorkers.”

This work—which will create Section 3 jobs—is already underway. NYCHA is investing $300 million to upgrade heating, hot water, interior and exterior lighting, and ventilation systems in buildings across the City. For example, NYCHA is modernizing heating systems so that they respond to indoor temperatures instead of only outdoor temperatures—a key way to eliminate overheating, cut energy usage, and meet the carbon reduction goal.

“Since the release of NYCHA’s Sustainability Agenda last April, we have been working closely with sister agencies and industry leaders to launch an ambitious energy-efficiency program,” said Bomee Jung, NYCHA’s Vice President of Energy and Sustainability. “These upgrades provide brighter lighting and more comfortable and reliable heating, and also help lessen the future impacts of climate change.”

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