Fire Prevention Month: Electrical Fire Safety
Electricity makes our lives easier, but we need to be cautious and keep safety in mind when using it. In recognition of Fire Prevention Month, NYCHA’s Fire Safety Department would like to provide the following information to help keep you and your family safe.
Electrical Fire Safety Tips
• Only plug one heat-producing appliance (e.g., coffee maker, toaster, space heater, etc.) into an outlet at a time.
• Major appliances (such as refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, air conditioners, and microwave ovens) must be plugged directly into a wall outlet – do not use extension cords or power strips for major appliances.
• Make sure extension cords are not running across doorways or under carpets. Also, extension cords are intended for temporary use.
• Use light bulbs within the rating of the light fixture. For example, do not use 100-watt light bulbs in a fixture rated for 60 watts. A sticker on the fixture indicates the maximum number of watts to use.
• Keep young children away from electrical cords and outlets. Cords placed in the mouth can burn, and random objects inserted into an outlet can shock, burn, or electrocute.
When to Contact NYCHA
Please create a work order ticket by calling the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771, using MyNYCHA (, or contacting your property management office if any of the following occur:
• Frequent problems with blowing fuses or tripping breakers;
• A tingling feeling when you touch an electric appliance;
• Discolored or warm wall outlets;
• A burning or rubbery smell coming from an appliance;
• Flickering or dimming of lights; and
• Sparks from an outlet.