Green City Force Trainees Meet with NYCHA Administration

On December 1, NYCHA hosted Green City Force Corps Members for a whole day of training at the Authority’s headquarters. Green City Force (GCF) is an AmeriCorps program that enlists and trains young adult NYCHA residents for a new and more equitable economy.

The goal on December 1 was to expose the young adult leaders to a range of emerging opportunities and to stimulate resident/staff dialogue about priorities on issues like housing, sustainability, health, and equity.

NYCHA’s Chair and CEO Greg Russ spoke at the event and answered participants’ questions about the future of the Authority. He also presented NYCHA’s sustainability plans.

Chair Russ Answering Participants’ Questions

Kawon Veazy, GCF Corps Member and Sumner Houses resident, said that he has learned a lot from the months of GCF training. His interests center around communication and community outreach work.  

“I’d also like to see better waste management in my development,” Mr. Veazy said. “I think from this training I can spread more awareness about what we do, about better waste management and sustainability to my fellow residents.”

Steven Affat, Program Manager at Green City Force, said that a visit to NYCHA’s offices is part of the eight-month-long program, where participants learn about different aspects of the green economy: energy, agriculture, community, civic engagement, sustainability, and more.

“There are tons of opportunities at NYCHA,” Mr. Affat said. “Everybody from this cohort has the basis to start working in one of these industries. It’s good to show them the holistic approach in an organization like NYCHA. They’d be able to better piece it together by knowing how the Authority’s different departments work. It’s professional and personal developments hand in hand; it’s good to understand how they can apply their skills and experience and have a network that shares the same passion.” 

The special training day at the Authority featured guest speakers from various NYCHA departments: Capital Projects, Community Engagement and Partnerships, Pest Control, Waste Management, Health Initiatives, as well as the Office of Resident Economic Empowerment & Sustainability (REES).

GCF Corps Members mentioned that it was beneficial for them to have an in-person interaction with NYCHA administration and to be able to ask questions. 

Bradley Fernandes from Astoria Houses said he has always been interested in the green economy but never qualified for a job because of a lack of knowledge and experience.

“Everything that I learned made me more qualified in this industry,” Mr. Fernandes explained. “I acquired a lot of skills and certificates [with GCF]; I know the fundamentals of many things. [Green jobs] are in-demand jobs. I definitely want to do composting, agriculture – I want to stay involved with the earth. I think it is going to be essential in the years to come. A lot of jobs are going to expire, whereas sustainability jobs are going to be in high demand.” 

Green City Force is recruiting for the 2022 AmeriCorps cohort. Visit REES to learn more and register for an upcoming information session.

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