Jobs-Plus Program to Expand in 2017
Thanks to U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, NYCHA will receive $2 million in federal U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding for HUD’s Jobs-Plus Pilot Program. Jobs-Plus supports work readiness and connects public housing residents with employment, education, and financial empowerment services in order to help residents find and keep jobs.
“Jobs-Plus is a valued program that increases economic opportunities for public housing residents through meaningful employment and education programs – and this grant will help us expand the program further,” said NYCHA Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye. “We appreciate the continued leadership of Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, and our entire Congressional delegation in their support of HUD and public housing in New York City. Together, we will build more connected NYCHA communities for this generation and the next.”
NYCHA is one of six funding recipients selected from across the country; overall, HUD invested over $14 million into the program nationwide. The HUD-funded Jobs-Plus site will be located in Brooklyn at Penn-Wortman Houses and is expected to open in spring 2017. Additionally, the City of New York will expand Jobs-Plus to include three more developments. Zone 1, South Bronx, currently serves residents of Mill Brook Houses, and will expand to include Monroe Houses. Zone 13, East Harlem, currently serves residents of Johnson Houses, and will expand to include Clinton and Johnson Houses. The City Jobs-Plus expansion represents a joint effort of several City agencies: Human Resources Administration, NYCHA, the Center for Economic Opportunity, and the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Office of Financial Empowerment.
In total, the Jobs-Plus program will go from serving 23 developments to 27, services to NYCHA residents, and helping to fulfill NextGeneration NYCHA’s goal to leverage partnerships and connect residents to quality workforce opportunities.