Marking the Third Anniversary of Smoke-Free NYCHA
To celebrate the third anniversary of Smoke-Free NYCHA, residents, staff, and community partners gathered at Surfside Gardens in Brooklyn on July 30 to mark the work the NYCHA community has achieved in their goal of creating smoke-free developments and healthier homes.
Partner organizations participated in the event to share information on healthy community resources, including Green City Force, MetroPlus, JASA (Jewish Association Serving the Aging), Bridging Access to Care, and the FDNY Fire Safety Unit. The event was organized by the Smoke-Free NYCHA team in collaboration with Surfside Garden’s Resident Association President Robert Santiago.
Smoke Free 3rd Anniversary Health Fair at Surfside Gardens Smoke Free 3rd Anniversary Health Fair at Surfside Gardens
“In the past year and a half, New Yorkers have been stepping up to help support and protect the health of their community,” said Jyoti Parth, Smoke-Free NYCHA Administrator. “The Smoke-Free NYCHA team celebrates all community members working to help make NYCHA buildings healthier for all families by taking smoking outside and at least 25 feet away from buildings.”
NYCHA’s Smoke-Free policy went into effect on July 30, 2018, consistent with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) rule for public housing nationwide to have a policy that prohibits smoking in apartments and buildings or within 25 feet of buildings. NYCHA created its Smoke-Free policy after extensive engagement and planning with residents and partners, including the NYCHA Advisory Group on Smoking and Health.

The policy is focused on reducing exposure to secondhand smoke, something particularly important for children, seniors and residents with vulnerable health conditions. Since the policy took effect, the Authority installed over 8,000 signs at NYCHA developments across the city to communicate the policy.

Starting last year, NYCHA’s team of Smoke-Free community health workers have been providing support to residents at developments across the City to answer questions about the policy, coach and connect residents who want to cut back or quit to resources, and to promote compliance with the policy.
“As a Smoke-Free NYCHA Liaison, I feel like my role is to engage people that are smokers and teach them about the policy, but the reality of the situation is that I’m a community health worker,” said Stephanie Jimenez Felix. “I’m talking to residents about their health constantly. Once I’ve opened the door to find out if they’re smokers, they also share information about other things, such as ‘Yes, I also have anxiety. I can’t sleep.’ So it becomes a sharing of resources, not only to the smokers, but to all the residents who are at a point in their lives where they’re trying to change what they’re doing. I’m a resident, too and by working with this team I’m representing the people that I serve.”
Residents concerned about a smoking violation at their development can call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. Property Management teams conduct informal conferences with a resident when there are multiple reports from other residents affected by secondhand smoke. To date, NYCHA has received approximately 2,700 reported violations.
There has never been a better time to seek help to quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of respiratory infections and pneumonia, as well as the risk of severe illness from COVID-19. (Smoking: NYC Quits – NYC Health). Want help quitting? Call 1-866-NY-QUITS or 311 or visit the New York State Smokers’ Quitline.
Contact or call 212-306-8282 to learn more about available resources and support. Visit for additional updates.
Top photo caption: Members of the Smoke-Free NYCHA team with Surfside Gardens’ Resident Association President Robert Santiago (right) and other residents.