Young NYCHA Residents Speak Up

When talking about what NYCHA can do to be a better landlord, listening to the voices of all residents is important—including young people, which is why NYCHA held the first Youth Leadership Council Summit for residents 14 to 21 years of age on November 19 at John Jay College.

“I like it. I like to think of myself as a leader but there’s always room to grow, so I want to learn,” said Matheya Parker, a 16-year-old Ravenswood Houses resident. She was one of 133 young NYCHA residents who attended NYCHA’s first Youth Leadership Council (YLC) Summit. Organized by NYCHA’s Resident Engagement Department, the Summit gives young residents a seat at the decision-making table.

“A lot of decisions that the Authority makes everyday impact the quality of life for our residents and it’s really important that we know and have everyone’s input,” said Sideya Sherman, Executive Vice President for Community Engagement and Partnerships at NYCHA. YLCs will give young residents a structured way to bring their concerns and needs to the attention of NYCHA staff and allow them to play a role in finding solutions.

YLCs are organized in 15 different geographical zones across the city. Open to high school and GED students between the ages of 14 and 21, the councils meet twice a month to discuss issues and solutions and come up with an action plan. The councils will meet again at another summit in June 2017 to discuss their progress.