Proposed Fine and Enforcement Structure for Improper Trash Disposal

Please be informed that NYCHA opened a public comment period on April 22, 2024, on a proposed fine and enforcement structure for improper trash disposal at NYCHA developments. 

What is NYCHA proposing?   
NYCHA is proposing changes to its trash disposal policy and procedures to educate and encourage residents to observe proper trash disposal and maintain a safe and clean environment for all residents and their guests.  

The proposed changes include a graduated enforcement structure under which residents who are observed violating the trash disposal policy will first receive a warning and guidance materials on proper trash disposal. A second violation during a three-month period will lead to a call-in letter for a conference, at which time a resident will receive a $15 fine, guidance on proper trash disposal, and a warning that an additional violation during the three-month period will lead to termination of tenancy proceedings. Any subsequent violations during the three-month period will lead to a $25 fine for each violation and the initiation of termination of tenancy proceedings.  

The current trash disposal requirements and proposed fine and enforcement structure is available online at and a paper copy is available at NYCHA property management offices. 

How can I comment on the proposed changes?  
Members of the public can comment on the proposed changes by: 

  • Email. You can email comments to through May 22, 2024. 
  • Mail. You can mail comments postmarked no later than May 22, 2024, to the following address:   

    NYCHA Public Comments 
    P.O. Box 3422 
    New York, NY 10008 

NYCHA will review and consider all feedback before determining what, if any, changes to the policy and procedures are appropriate. As always, we appreciate your feedback and your partnership as we strive to maintain safe and clean NYCHA communities.