City Limits Op-Ed: “Preservation Trust Finally Gives NYCHA Residents a Seat at the Table”

Nostrand Houses Resident Association President Barbara McFadden wrote an op-ed about the Public Housing Preservation Trust that was published in City Limits on June 24. Read below for an excerpt and click here for the full article.

“The Public Housing Preservation Trust legislation signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul on June 16 will allow for the creation of a new, 100 percent public entity that can apply for federal Project-Based Section 8 Tenant Protection Vouchers, which offer twice as much money as the traditional public housing subsidy and will enable NYCHA to leverage these resources to fund billions of dollars in comprehensive repairs at our developments.

With the Trust, all of our public housing tenant rights are protected, including rents capped at 30 percent of income, succession rights, citywide and local resident associations, and resident management options, and NYCHA will remain the permanent owner of the land and buildings. For the first time in public housing history, residents will be able to vote on what happens at their individual developments and be involved in selecting the vendors who renovate their homes.”