Have a Go Bag Ready for Each Family Member and Pet!

If you have to leave your apartment quickly in an emergency, you’ll need a go bag. Putting it together in advance guarantees you’ll have everything you need with you. Here’s what to include for each person in the family:

  • Copies of birth certificates, drivers’ licenses, green cards, IDNYC cards, credit and debit cards in a waterproof bag
  • Contact information and family meeting place information in a waterproof bag
  • A week’s worth of medications in prescription bottles in a waterproof bag
  • A small battery or solar operated radio, extra set of household and car keys, flashlight and batteries, and cell phone charger in a waterproof bag
  • Cash in small bills in a waterproof bag
  • A first aid kit
  • A change of clothes
  • Bottled water and nonperishable food like granola bars, peanut butter, nuts, and cereal