Notice of Proposed Electric Micromobility Policy

What is NYCHA proposing? NYCHA is proposing changes to NYCHA’s public housing rules and regulations (this includes changes to the “House Rules” and residents’ conditions of occupancy) to prevent fires and protect residents’ health and safety. The proposed changes also further the goals of Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York City’s Electric Micromobility Action Plan, which uses a multifaceted approach to reducing fires while promoting safe use of electric micromobility (e-micromobility). The proposed rules are narrowly tailored to improve safety while minimizing impacts on public housing residents who use e-micromobility devices. 

To read the proposed rules and regulations as well as a full explanation of the proposed changes, visit Copies are also available at NYCHA property management offices. 

How can I comment on the proposed changes? Members of the public can comment on the proposed changes by: 

  • Mail. You can mail comments to the following address: 

NYCHA – Public Comments 

P.O. Box 3422 

New York, NY 10008  

Is there a deadline to submit written comments? Comments must be postmarked by December 31, 2023, to be considered.